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Sweet Potato Hash with Kale and Bacon

Sweet Potato Hash with Kale and Bacon | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made this tasty Sweet Potato Hash with Kale and Bacon for Pete and Gerry’s Organic Eggs!]

I used to think that all eggs were pretty much equal. I mean, some might be brown, some might be white, but eggs were eggs to me. 

Now I know the way a chicken is raised makes a HUGE difference in the quality of eggs she lays. Healthy, happy chickens lay eggs that are not only tastier, but also more packed with the nutrients that our bodies need.  Continue reading

7 Tips for Mindful Eating

7 Tips for Mindful Eating | Reclaiming Yesterday

We’re all so busy that sometimes eating is just an afterthought. But if we want to have a healthy, happy relationship with our food, it’s important that we work to practice more mindful eating.

This is a definite work in progress for me. I actually came up with these tips while eating lunch one day. The irony of that is not lost on me. 😜  

Mindful eating is something I struggle with, but when I make an effort to do it more often, it makes a huge difference. For me, it’s not something I do to lose weight, but it does help me to recognize my actual hunger cues and avoid emotional overeating.  Continue reading

Berry Chickpea Smoothie Bowl

Berry Chickpea Smoothie Bowl | Reclaiming Yesterday

[This Berry Chickpea Smoothie Bowl is full of fiber, protein, and healthy fats–and you’ll never know you’re eating chickpeas!]

So, what do you think. 

Are you picking up with I’m putting down with this chickpea smoothie bowl??

If you’re unsure, let me walk you down this road. 

First off. Why are you hesitant about putting chickpeas in your smoothie? Is it because they’re full of fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals? 

Or is it because you’ve only ever associated chickpeas with savory foods? (I’m guessing that might be it!)  Continue reading

Grilled Pineapples with Cashew Drizzle

Grilled Pineapples with Cashew Drizzle | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made these Grilled Pineapples with Cashew Drizzle with Thrive Culinary Algae Oil!]

Have you guys heard of algae oil yet? I hadn’t until just recently. But you know I love my healthy fats so I was pretty excited when learned about it. 

And even more excited when I found out it has a super high smoke point—making it perfect for grilling season! Continue reading