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Sleepy Time Spiced Apple Cider

Sleepy Time Spiced Apple Cider | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made this Sleepy Time Spiced Apple Cider for Earth Fare!]

Sometimes you have to have something taken away from you in order to really appreciate it.

I never knew how true that really was until I started dealing with insomnia a few years ago. Lots of people deal with insomnia, for a lot of different reasons: stress, drinking too much caffeine or alcohol, side effects from medications, etc. 

For me, my insomnia began when we moved back to the states from Greece. When my health took a mysterious nosedive.  Continue reading

Sweet Potato Fries with Tamari Cashew Dip

Sweet Potato Fries with Tamari Cashew Dip | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made these crave-worthy Sweet Potato Fries with Tamari Cashew Dip for Earth Fare!]

I’m not sure that I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t have positive feelings towards sweet potatoes. 

I mean what’s not to love, really? 

But sometimes I do get a little carried away with them. I just can’t help it—they’re so healthy (full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals) plus they’re so versatile (I’ve yet to find something sweet potato doesn’t pair well with). 

When K says, “Oh, are we having sweet potatoes again?” I can tell I’ve had them on repeat a little too often. 

But even K, who is not a 100% die hard sweet potato fanatic, CANNOT physically walk by a tray of just-roasted sweet potato fries without clearing them out. 

Sweet potato fries are just too good for anyone to resist.  Continue reading

Ridiculously Easy Paleo “French Toast”

Ridiculously Easy Paleo French Toast | Reclaiming Yesterday

Weekday breakfasts should be:

1) filled with healthy things to power you through your to-do list.

2) so tasty, they cancel out any craziness the day might throw at you. 

Bonus points if a weekday breakfast is also ridiculously easy. Like say for instance, this Paleo French Toast.πŸ˜‹

Weekdays are hard! Give yourself something to look forward to each morning. With a *minimal* amount of planning you can make yourself a super quick breakfast without sacrificing in the health OR flavor departments.  Continue reading

Beet and Turmeric Sauerkraut

Beet and Turmeric Sauerkraut | Reclaiming Yesterday


[I made this probiotic-rich Beet and Turmeric Sauerkraut for Earth Fare!]

It’s resolution season! 

When the New Year comes and we all get focused on eating better, it’s usually about removing foods–or eating less of them. But it’s also important to think about what foods we can add to our diet to improve our health. Homemade, traditional sauerkraut (and fermented foods in general) should definitely be something we get more of! 

Fermented foods have become trendy in the health food scene, but our ancestors were eating them thousands of years before us. They did it to preserve food before the nifty invention of refrigerators, but it turns out there are a TON of health benefits from traditionally fermented foods, like sauerkraut and yogurtContinue reading