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Visiting Monemvasia, Greece

Visiting Monemvasia, Greece | Reclaiming Yesterday

Back last September, K and I made a trip to Greece.

We both think Greece is the most beautiful place in the world (and we’re both a little biased).

Backstory: K was born and raised in Athens, Greece. It’s where he intended to spend the rest of his life. That is, until he ran into me during my Study Abroad program in 2010…and both of our paths were completely rewritten.

K’s seen a lot of Greece, of course. And I’ve seen a pretty good little hunk of it.

But both of us were blown away by our visit to Monemvasia. 

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Creamy Chocolate Chia Pudding

Creamy Chocolate Chia Pudding | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made this Creamy Chocolate Chia Pudding for Earth Fare!]

You guys. This chocolate chia pudding is the CREAMIEST!

And you know what? It has all of the decadent, delicious vibes you want out of a dessert, but it’s still really, really good for you.

It’s also kind of adorable too, which is always a plus. πŸ˜Š Continue reading

Gut Healthy Bone Broth

Gut Healthy Bone Broth | Reclaiming Yesterday

Gut Healthy Bone Broth 

Do you love your gut?

That word. GUT. It’s picked up a negative connotation, no?

GUT kind of makes you think of “beer gut,” or “bubble gut.” It makes you think of something you want to avoid–or get rid of. It doesn’t always make you think of something you need to nourish, love, and pay more attention to.  Continue reading

Blood Orange Kombucha Spritzers

Blood Orange Kombucha Spritzers | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made these refreshing Blood Orange Kombucha Spritzers for Earth Fare!]

I’m gonna be honest with you. I used to drink a lot of alcohol.

I absolutely believe that alcohol in moderation is ok (two thumbs up if it’s red wine!) But in excess, it can really be harmful for our health. And “excess” was the amount of alcohol I used to drink on a regular basis. As my husband used to describe my drinking habits, I wasn’t very good at “hitting the brakes.” 

So it’s sort of ironic (or maybe not) that I can’t drink alcohol at all now due to my ongoing health issues. But I still like to have something fun to sip on when I’m hanging out with friends.  Continue reading