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Our Trip to Crete, Greece

Trip to Crete | Reclaiming Yesterday


I’m finally getting around to this blog post on our trip to Crete! 

As many of you guys probably know by now, my husband is from Greece. We try to go back every year to visit his friends and family, eat amazing food, and of course–soak up a little sunshine on some of the world’s most beautiful beaches!  Continue reading

Make-Ahead Paleo Porridge

Make Ahead Whole30 Porridge

Disclaimer: I created this make-ahead, grain free paleo porridge while doing my first ever Whole30 program. All of the ingredients are Whole30 compliant and I personally feel very ok including it during my dietary reset.

THAT BEING SAID – some would argue that this porridge bends the Whole30 rules a bit. Mainly because it’s created to mimic real porridge and can elicit an emotional response that’s not exactly in the spirit of Whole30.

But I’m pretty sure that many Whole30 recipes mimic otherwise “off-limit” foods. (Are zucchini noodles not an obvious “real noodle” knock off?)  Continue reading

Paleo Pumpkin Pudding

Paleo Pumpkin Pudding | Reclaiming Yesterday

[I made this quick and healthy Paleo Pumpkin Pudding for Earth Fare!]

Canned pumpkin is available exactly 12 months a year. But for some reason I try to cram my yearly quota of pumpkin eating into 1.5 months. Can anyone relate?πŸŽƒπŸŽƒπŸŽƒ

I’m afraid if I eat any more pumpkin, I’ll start glowing orange. But it won’t stop me, because this paleo pumpkin pudding is on REPEAT at our house.  Continue reading

Chocolate Tahini Dip with Apples

Chocolate Tahini Dip with Apples | Reclaiming Yesterday


[I made this easy, creamy Chocolate Tahini Dip with Apples for Earth Fare!]

Who here is as obsessed with tahini as I am?? To be honest, I wasn’t sure how I felt about tahini when I first tried it a few years ago. But now, it’s one of my favorite pantry staples! 

Tahini is ground sesame seeds, so it’s like nut butter–but with a sesame flavor. It’s creamy, nutty, and has just a *slight* bitter taste that I love. It’s the secret to hummus, but it’s delicious in salad dressings, tuna salad, and even sweet treats!  Continue reading