Rebounding for the Lymphatic System
Rebounding for lymph health: why I started doing it
When my health took a dive a few years back, I started changing the way I ate and lived my life in general. I knew I had to help my body to detox, and part of that was giving extra attention to my lymphatic system.
That’s why I started jumping on a small trampoline every morning (also known as rebounding).
Even now as I’m starting to recover from the worst of my health issues, I still make it a habit to rebound for 5-10 minutes every morning. It’s become part of my routine so I barely even think about it.
I actually really like it because I feel so energized afterwards!
Why Should We Care About the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system is a circulatory system in our bodies. When itβs not functioning properly our bodies cannot:
- remove toxins
- fight viral, fungal, and bacterial disease
- regulate the amount of fluid in our tissues.
Unlike the vascular system which relies on the heart as a pump to keep blood moving through our bodies, the lymphatic system requires us to move our bodies in order to get the fluid going.
Rebounding is a great way to support the lymphatic system, along with dry-brushing (which is something else I try to squeeze in whenever I can.)
There are lots of claims on the health benefits rebounding provides, including:
- reduced cellulite
- strengthened cells
- increased detoxification function
- elevated immune health and metabolism
- improved digestion
Are all of those claims sure to happen if you jump on a trampoline for a few minutes a day?
All I know is that it’s a good way to get your blood flowing in the morning and that extra activity certainly doesn’t hurt!
Plus, it’s pretty fun π
I jump on the trampoline while I watch the news in the morning. And when I’m not using the rebounder, I store it in our mud room up against the wall.
Get Moving for Your Lymphatic System!
Body movement and exercise is the primary method of moving lymph
And because of that, a sedentary lifestyle will decrease lymph flow by 94%!
When lymph doesn’t move, our cells can’t effectively remove waste products, which isn’t something we want.
Any kind of movement will stimulate lymph flow but rebounding is especially effective because it requires our bodies to directly oppose the gravitational pull. Jumping on a trampoline also aids digestion, as an added plus!
Rebounding is easy on the joints, so it’s good if you have issues with that. But I include rebounding along with other forms of exercise (not in place of it).
For me, rebounding has become as routine as pouring a cup of coffee. I wake up, drink a glass of water (with lemon if Iβm feeling extra detox-motivated), and I bounce around for about 10 minutes. I feel my blood warm up and Iβm able to bounce away that morning fog.
I also start my day off on an energized and optimistic footβI stuck to my resolution to commit the first 10 minutes of my day to my own well-being. Maybe that is more powerful than rebounding itself.
Carving a time out for self-betterment, and actually sticking with it!
Note: Invest in a Decent Rebounder
I started off with a cheap rebounder that I found on Amazon. After a while it started folding inwards with the pressure and every time I jumped on it I felt like at any minute it would close up on me like a Venus fly trap. (That actually got in the way of the positive vibes I was looking to get from a morning jump, so I bought a better one!)
I found the one I use now at a used sporting goods store for around $50, but you can order a similar one on Amazon here. I store mine sideways so it’s out of the way but easily accessible.

[β¦] muscle contraction supports the lymph flow, activating the lymphatic system, and boosting immunity while it also enhances intestinal peristalsis, improving thus the activity [β¦]
Rebounding allows sufferers of back pain to keep moving, stimulate muscles, lubricate the intervertebral discs and reduce stress in a fun, easy to use and accessible way.
I have lipodema it stops the pain in my legs.
I’m glad to hear that it helps! I love it π