Why Buy Grass Fed Beef?

Why Buy Grass Fed Beef? 

I used to avoid red meat all together. That was because I thought red meat (and saturated fat) was something that we all needed to avoid if we wanted to live a long, healthy life.

But then I started learning a lot more about real food. And that’s when I discovered grass fed beef—and how it’s completely different from the standard beef we see most often in stores and restaurants.

Now, we eat beef at home pretty often—but only if it’s grass fed. It’s not because we’re snobby, but once you learn about grass fed beef and experience the difference, you just can’t go back! Continue reading

Is Maple Syrup Healthy?

White Wine Puttanesca with Shrimp Two Ways

When I was younger, frozen Eggo waffles were my favorite breakfast. Always a deliberate eater, I would carefully distribute a smear of margarine into every nook. Next, I would tip the syrup bottle up and watch it flow, making certain a little bit of sticky sauce made it into each and every crevice of that Eggo. Continue reading